Tuesday, February 22, 2011

CHINA MOJO: Pre-Departure -->Email BRIEF BIO to our Wuhan Hosts/Steve Wilmarth

Hello China MOJO'ers!

Once I return your passports to you in class on Thursday morning, 2/24, please email the following information to Steve Wilmarth, our contact in Wuhan, at stephen.wilmarth@gmail.com.

And copy me on the email.

Here is his request.

Ni Hao Mojo'ers!

Please email:

1. Your Name / Nickname (for all MOJO travelers).

2. A picture/photograph of yourself.

3. Your Passport number: (Passport numbers are your official ID for purchasing special tickets and all travel within the country)

4. Your eMail address AND Major Field of Study/MAJOR (i.e. business, communications, professional writing, etc.)

5. A short bio: Something about yourself (What do you like? For example, music, fashion, books, technology, social media, McDonalds, Starbucks, KFC, Subway, other food tastes, etc. What do you most want to experience about Chinese culture? What do you think about China and Chinese culture, food, and people? Will you be bringing any musical instruments or special technology with you on your trip to China?) - just a short paragraph will do.

This information is being used by host families to select students and arrange for special events.

It is important to respond as soon as possible. Students of host families want to write to each MOJO traveler in advance, introduce themselves and their host families, and tell you about their preparations for your visit. Please leave enough time to be able to give these students and their families a chance to show their best hospitality. Thank you, and let me know if you have any questions.

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