Monday, January 3, 2011

Week #1, Class #1: "Neehow," Welcome, and Introductions!

Hello, and welcome to China Mojo Core 330!

This is a simple representation of our triune brain, the most complex living thing in the known universe.

And this is a simple map of China, the planet's second largest country and the oldest continuously functioning civilization in all of world history.

Some historical context - a helpful 1959-2010 CHINA historical timeline from the BBC News Service (note the pro-Western bias.)

And here's a short video of the 2008 Olympics -Opening Ceremony - in Beijing.

My name is Dr. Rob Williams.

Here's a photo of me smashing a television with a 9 pound sledge maul.

Here's the television post-maul.

Here's an official but mercifully brief bio about me.

Dr. Rob Williams is a Vermont-based musician, historian, consultant, journalist, and media educator/maker who teaches F2F and online media and communications courses at Champlain College; edits and publishes a statewide independent news journal called Vermont Commons: Voices of Independence; co-owns and farms at Vermont Yak Company in the Mad River Valley, a farm business raising grass-fed yaks for meat and agri-tourism; and performs music with a pherocious acoustic power trio called The Phineas Gage Project.

More personally, feel free to come and connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

Please take a few minutes below to tell us about yourself!

Here are FOUR questions to answer:

1. Where are you from? State or province, and town?

2. Describe a fun media experience you had during your holiday vacation. BE SPECIFIC.

3. Describe one thing you LIKE about our 21st century media culture, and one thing you DON'T LIKE about our 21st century media culture. BE SPECIFIC!

4. What vision do you have for your future, professionally?

Welcome aboard! I look forward to working with you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1) Dover, New Hampshire

    2) Planning my grandparents surprise anniversary party.

    3) I like how media is an easy access to information and I dislike how people depend on media.

    4) I am a Communication major, and wish to do something in PR and social networking.

    5) QUESTION: What is some of the history of China?

  3. 1. Schodack, New York

    2. Over winter break I saw The Fighter and The King's Speech in theatres.

    3. What I like about today’s media culture, is the accessibility of information. What I don’t like is that it fosters a shift away from face to face communication.

    4. Ideally I would like to go on to obtain my masters in social work, and from there become a practicing licensed clinical social worker.

    Q: How do the citizens of China feel about Americans?

  4. 1. Newtown, CT

    2. I went to Boston to see moe. on Dec. 30th

    3. I like that media is so accessible, and I dislike that we are so dependent on it.

    4. I would like to do graphic design in the music industry, for example, promotional posters, ticket design, etc in addition to jewelry making.

    China Question: Just how censored is the media in China?

  5. 1. Saco, Maine USA

    2. Over break I made an online portfolio on to show to a boutique for an internship.

    3. I like how the media can bring all sorts of different people together with common interests.
    I don't like how the media can simply tear good people apart and ruin their image.

    4. I want to own my own graphic design firm/business.

    5. Question: Why was there tension between Confucianism and Buddhism in China?

  6. 1. Cromwell, Connecticut

    2. Over break I played Xbox Kinect for an interesting media experience.

    3. I like Twitter however I do not like Blogging, but I guess I have to get used to it...

    4. I want to be an advertiser. Potentially owning my own firm.

    5. When is the Chinese government going to take their money back?

  7. 1. Amherst, NH

    2. I watched movies with my family

    3. I like the convenience of access to information. I dislike that it has take away from enjoying more basic aspects of life.

    4. I want to be a teacher.

    5. What is the ratio of males to females?

  8. 1.Shelburne, Vermont

    2. I took alot of family photos over the holidays.

    3. I like that everything is so easily accessible. You dont need to go very far to get the information you want.
    I dont like the amount of awfule reality tv.

    4. Event Management. I would love to plan weddings in the future.

    Buring Question? What kinds of outrageous foods will I have to eat?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. 1.) Bangor, Maine

    2.) I saw the musical Plaid Tidings at the local theater.

    3.) I like that information is so accessible, but I don't like how we haven't found safe ways to dispose and recycle the technology. I also don't like how your personal information can be taken a lot easier.

    4.) Eventually I'd like to be a published poet, but before that happens possibly a travel writer/photo journalist.

    5.) Does China have non-profits and if so does the Chinese government enforce guidelines?

  11. 1. Baltimore, Maryland

    2. I watched a lot of and saw black swan

    3. I like the availability of of media, but I do not like the dependency on it.

    4. I'm not exactly sure what I would like to do, but I am leaning towards event planning in the snow sports industry.

    5. i would like to learn (and eat) about chinese food, Not American chinese food, but Chinese chinese food.

  12. 1. Burlington, Vermont

    2. I had a family photo shoot on Christmas

    3. I like all that there is a video for everything on youtube,but I don't like reality television.

    4. I would like to be a graphic design, but I'm not sure what that means yet.

    5. Whats going on with China and Taiwan?

  13. 1. Randolph, New Jersey
    2. Enjoyed Skype and shooting photos
    3. Like- easy access to any information you can want anytime you want
    Don't Like- Crap on television that is on all the time, the attention that celebrities get from the media but do not deserve.
    4. Not sure yet, exploring options in finance or economics
    5. What's the deal with Hong Kong being a separate entity from the rest of china?

  14. !. Milford, CT

    2. I Went to a Rangers game at Madison Square Garden in New York City and made it on TV.

    3.I like how everything keeps advancing and everything is so available, however I dislike some of the garbage TV shows that are considered entertainment.

    4. I would like to do something with advertising or working for a magazine. Or possibly something with travel writing.

    5. Is Hong Kong a part of China?

  15. 1. Dedham, MA
    2. I confused my parents by talking to my friends while playing Xbox.
    3. I like the availability of information, but I don't like needing to feel available to everyone all the time.
    4. I want to work basically any video game studio.
    5. How often, if at all do people in China eat animals we consider pets, like dogs.

  16. 1. East Montpelier, VT

    2. Deleting Facebook

    3. I enjoy that people across the world are able to connect so easily, however I dislike how much time it consumes.

    4. I would like to practice graphic design in a firm or freelance, and be happy.

    5. What is going on currently with Google and China?

  17. 1. St. Albans, VT

    2. It was interesting watching the incident in Tucson unfold both on the web and on TV. It's amazing how reliant news broadcasts are on information from the web.

    3. I like that information is so easily accessible, but I dislike how many people have lost the ability to expand upon that knowledge. They get the instant gratification answer, but they don't dig any deeper.

    4. While I was in college I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do, but now that I'm in the "real world" I have no idea. I guarantee that with whatever I end up doing it will involve being creative and food, events, or art.

    5. What is day-to-day life like for the Chinese?

  18. 1. Hong Kong

    2. I watched Inception on the plane back to Hong Kong. It was my first viewing, and I missed out on the audio here and there due to the engine noise, but nevertheless, a good experience.

    3.I like the breadth of information available - there are a lot of helpful resources that you can find information regarding almost everything.

    I dislike the heavy presence of bad information though.

    4. I would like to become rich. But on the way, I wouldn't mind starting a company of my own too, and working within the investment field.

    Q: How will China overcome the reputation and stigma associated with it in Western countries?

  19. 1. E. Otis, MA

    2. The best media experience I've had recently is rereading The Hobbit. I remember hearing my mom read it to me when I was a kid, and decided to experience the story again now that I'm older and can understand more of it.

    3. I like the accessibility, I dislike the control it has over people.

    4. In a perfect world, I see myself taking photos and writing articles for some type of recreational sports or outdoor magazine.

    Q: What roles will China and the U.S. play in the world's future?
